The theories of electoral behavior and the behavior of the Iraqi voter In the 2005-2010 elections


  • Assistant Prof. Dr. Talal Hamed Khalil University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq


Theories,, behavior,, Iraqi voter,, elections


Electoral behavior constitutes a field of knowledge in the psychological and social sciences that political scientist concerned about to be one of the branches of studies in political sociology and political systems as well in order to identify democratic education and its development among citizens. Thus, this research attempts to discuss and debates three issues related directly to electoral behavior. The first argument was about the adaptation or the legal nature of the election. It was directly related to the concept of sovereignty so legal adaptation differs accordingly. When a nation has a sovereignty, election becomes as a function, once the concept of sovereignty becomes attached to people and expressed their will, and then election becomes a reality. As sovereignty is being expressed about by constitutional provisions, the election becomes a legal authority. There are those who believe that elections are a right and a function. The second issue that the research tried to explore is the scientific start to study the behavior of the electoral study based on the basis of the analysis of behavior initiated and produced by Columbia School which was identified as the social voter and then followed by Michigan School diagnosing it as an emotional voter, and finally the rational school, which explained that the voter as a result of economic progress has become a rational electorate and that the elections as a market for candidates when electorates are just like consumers looking for the goods that provide services. Thus, the electoral programs are marketing what really touch the needs of citizen.


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