The Success Factors of the Freedom of Political Participation


  • Ahmed Sadiq Jafer University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq
  • Emad Mo’ed Jassim University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq


freedom, participation, politics


Doubtlessly, the study of political participation has expanded and spread because of its tight relationship in enhancing democracy and political development in many countries. Thus, the study of political participation in terms of being one of the most prominent political freedoms that have been recognized internationally and nationally and guaranteed in the covenants, convention and procedural laws. Thus, the study of freedom of political participation, in this sense, involves several dimensions and factors that contribute to the success of the freedom of political participation, because focusing on studying political participation in general stating the role of the main factors in the success of the freedom of political participation which focuses on the role of procedural laws, political culture, civil society organizations and media freedom. It also highlights the role of these factors in shaping political participation and bringing it out in a way that is really an optimum concept and means to promote democracy and achieve political development.


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