Discussing and voting on laws under the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq 2005 And its role in Achieving the Individual Legal Security


  • Ammar Taha Shihab Ahmed University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science
  • Ahmed Fadhil Hussein University of Diyala-College of Law And Political Science




Constitution, laws, legal security.


The legal rule is the basis of the legal security which issued by the legislative power for the citizen interest. So, the authority should, when discuss and vote on laws, give the priority to the citizen interest. The concept of the legal security has been clarified in addition to the elements of the legal security and what the authority should do during the legislation stage such as protecting the individuals. We have reached a conclusion that the constitution and the internal regulation of the parliament didn’t include a special majority to approve laws and didn’t oblige the parliament to send the laws proposals to the state council   for sake of paraphrasing them.


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ثانياً: الكتب:

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ثالثاً: البحوث:

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رابعاً: الرسائل والاطاريح الجامعية:

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خامساً: الدساتير والقوانين:

Fifth: Constitutions and Laws:

- الدساتير:

I. دستور جمهورية العراق لعام 2005.

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سادساً: الندوات والملتقيات:

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سابعاً: المواقع الالكترونية:

Seventh: Online Resources:

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IV. محضر الجلسة رقم 46 في 31/3/2021 الخاص في التصويت على قانون الموازنة الاتحادية لجمهورية العراق للسنة المالية 2021 منشور على الموقع الالكتروني: https://ar.parliament.iq/2021/03/31.

V. الموقع الالكتروني: https://manshurat.org/node/1636.

ثامناً: المصادر الاجنبية:

Eighth: Foreign Resources:

I. M.Pelmarre, La Sécurité juridique et le juge administratif francais , AJDA, 2004.P187.


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I. Abu Al-Hussein bin Faris bin Zakaria, Dictionary of Language Standards, edited by: Abdul Salam Muhammad Haroun, 2nd edition, Dar Al-Jeel, Beirut, Lebanon, 1999.

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II. Ali Majeed Al-Ukaili, The Idea of Legislative Correction (A Study in the Principles of Modern Constitutionalism), Al-Mustansiriya Journal of Arab and International Studies, Issue 70, Al-Mustansiriya University, Iraq, 2019.

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V. Yousry Muhammad Al-Assar, Constitutional Protection for Legal Security, Al-Dustouriya Magazine, Cairo, Issue 3, 2003.

Fourth: The Academic Theses and Dissertations:

I. Hussein Jabr Hussein, “The Presumption of Constitutionality of Legislation,” (PhD dissertation, College of Law, University of Babylon, Iraq), 2014.

Fifth: Constitutions and Laws:

- Constitutions:

I. The Constitution of the Republic of Iraq of 2005.

II. Constitution of Egypt 2014.

III. The Kuwaiti Constitution of 1962.

IV. Bahraini Constitution of 2002.

V. The amended 1991 Yemeni Constitution.

- Systems:

I. The internal regulations of the Iraqi Council of Representatives for the year 2007.

II. Internal regulations of the Egyptian House of Representatives published by Law No. (1) of 2016.

III. Internal regulations of the German Bundestag.

Sixth: Symposiums and Forums:

I. Ali Moussa, The Legislative Process in Arab Countries, (Comparative Experiences and Lessons Learned), a working paper submitted to a workshop on preparing a model for legislative drafting for Arab parliaments (February 4-6, 2003), published in the book Towards Developing Legislative Drafting for Arab Parliaments, House of Representatives Lebanese.

II. Mohamed Ben Arab, Mufidi Jaafari, Violation of Legal Security Standards in Tax Disputes, Kasdi-Mariah University, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Special Series of Forums and Seminars, 2016.

Seventh: Online Resources:

I. Ait Ouid Belkheir Mohammed, The role of the legislative institution in establishing legal security for society, research published on the website: https://www.researchgate.net/publication.

II. Ali Al-Sawy, Developing the Work of Arab Parliaments, p. 8, article published at the link: http://www.arabparliamentaryinstitute.

III. The minutes of the 43rd session on March 15, 2021, regarding the vote on amending the Federal Supreme Court law, are published on the website: https://ar.parliament.iq/03/15/2021.

IV. The minutes of Session No. 46 on 3/31/2021 regarding voting on the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the fiscal year 2021 are published on the website: https://ar.parliament.iq/03/31/2021 .

V. Website: https://manshurat.org/node/1636.




