The duty of administration in combating desertification and drought in Iraq


  • Shahla’ Sulieman Mohammed University of Diyala-College of Law And Political Science



administration, desertification, drought .


For years, Iraq has been witnessing the growth of some serious environmental phenomena and problems, and various types of environmental deterioration, most notably the phenomenon of desertification and drought. This due to the interaction of a series of climatic and human factors. Desertification and drought can pose a threat to public order and the environmental, food, health, economic, water and social security of individuals, and this requires the intervention of the administrative control authorities and taking the necessary preventive measures and actions to maintain public order and confront this environmental danger. In fact, weak control measures taken by the competent public administration were followed by weak environmental awareness, and lack of effective national programs and plans to eliminate desertification and drought and address their impact.


اولا: الكتب:

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I. د. سعاد الشرقاوي: القانون الاداري، دار النهضة العربية، مصر، 2009.

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ثانيا: الرسائل الجامعية:

Second: Academic Theses:

I. ثائر عبيد حسن الخفاجي: ظاهرة الجفاف في قضاء عين التمر وتأثيرها على واقع الانتاج الزراعي، اطروحة دكتوراه، كلية الزراعة- جامعة سانت كلمنتس العالمية- العراق، 2013.

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ثالثاً: البحوث:

Third: Researches:

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XIII. ميثم منفي كاظم العميدي: التنظيم الدستوري للأمن الغذائي، بحث منشور في مجلة المحقق الحلي للعلوم القانونية والسياسية، العدد الرابع، السنة العاشرة، لعام 2018.

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رابعاً: التقارير:

Fourth: Reports:

I. تقرير الاحصاءات البيئية للعراق المؤشرات الزراعية لعام2021، صادر عن الجهاز المركزي للاحصاء- وزارة التخطيط- جمهورية العراق لعام 2022.

II. تقرير الاحصاءات البيئية للعراق المؤشرات الزراعية لعام2020،صادر عن الجهاز المركزي للاحصاء-وزارة التخطيط–جمهورية العراق لعام 2021.

III. تقرير الاحصاءات البيئية للعراق المؤشرات الزراعية لعام2018،صادر عن الجهاز المركزي للاحصاء-وزارة التخطيط–جمهورية العراق لعام 2019.

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خامساً: المواقع الالكترونية:

Fifth: Online Resources:

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سادساً: المواثيق الدولية والدساتير والقوانين والانظمة والتعليمات:

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XIV. النظام الداخلي لقسم الشرطة البيئية رقم 1 لسنة 2015.

XV. نظام المحميات الطبيعية رقم 2 لسنة 2014.

XVI. نظام المحددات الوطنية لاستخدام الصرف الصحي المعالجة في الري الزراعي رقم3لسنة 2012

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XXI. تعليمات رقم 117 لسنة 1987 بشأن تنظيم الرعي في المراعي الطبيعية.

ثامنا: المصادر باللغة الفرنسية:

I. Didier Tabuteau: La sécurité sanitaire, réforme institutionnelle ou resurgence des politiques de santé publique? Les Tribunes de la santé,2007/3, no16.


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Fourth: Reports

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IV. Environmental Statistics Report for Iraq for the year 2009, issued by the Central Statistical Organization -Ministry of Planning-Republic of Iraq,for the year 2010.

Fifth: Websites

I. The website of the International Committee of the Red Cross

II. The website of the General Secretariat of the Iraqi Council of Ministers:

Sixth:Internationalconventions,constitutions,laws,regulations,and instructions

I. The United Nations Framework Convention to Combat Desertification of 1994

II. Permanent Constitution of the Republic of Iraq 2005.

III. Emergency Support for Food Security and Development Law No.2of 2022

IV. Law of accession of the Republic of Iraq to the United Nations Framework Convention to Combat Desertification No. 7 of 2009

V. Ministry of Planning Law No. 19 of 2009.

VI. Environmental Protection and Improvement Law No.27of 2009.

VII. Forests and Trees Law No. 30 of 2009.

VIII. Governorates not organized into a region Law No. 21 of 2008.

IX. Ministry of Environment Law No. 37 of 2008.

X. Law of the Ministry of Water Resources No. 50 of 2008.

XI. Environmental Protection and Improvement Law No.3 of 1997 .

XII. Environmental Protection and Improvement Law No. 76 of 1986 .

XIII. Natural Pastures Law No. 2 of 1983.

XIV. .Internal Regulations of the Environmental Police Department No.1of 2015.

XV. Natural Reserves System No. 2 of 2014.

XVI. System of national determinants for the use of treated wastewater in agricultural irrigation No. 3 of 2012

XVII. Regulation for controlling substances that deplete the ozone layer No.5 of 2012.

XVIII. By-laws for the formations and tasks of the Ministry of Environment No. (1) of 2011

XIX. Instructions for the formations and tasks of the Council for the Protection and Improvement of the Environment in the Governorate No. 1 of 2012.

XX. Instructions No. 3of 2011 Environmental Determinants for Establishing Projects and Monitoring the Safety of their Implementation.

XXI. Instructions No.117 of 1987 regarding the organization of grazing in natural pastures.

Eighth: The sources are in French

I. Didier Tabuteau: La sécurité sanitaire, réforme institutionnelle ou resurgence des politiques de santé publique? Les Tribunes de la santé,2007/3, no16.




