Legal and administrative means necessary to protect the public employee in the stages of administrative investigation - a comparative study


  • Hayder Abdulnabi Tooly Sumer University - college of Law



Legal and administrative means, public employee protection, impartiality of the investigator, investigative committees, grievance against the administrative decision.


The legal and administrative means are the issue of giving legitimacy to the actions taken by the administration against the public employee if he violates the job duties entrusted to him. In the absence of such means, the administration is unable to take such measures. Therefore, the employee committing the violation must be supported by convincing evidence, which can only be obtained by hearing the employee and giving him an opportunity to defend himself and provide evidence proving his innocence of the charges against him. The administration must collect conclusive evidence that gives it justification for punishing him, as there is judicial oversight over the administration’s decision-making process regarding disciplinary punishment. In this research, we will review those means that consolidate the protection of the public employee by addressing the comparative aspects between the Iraqi constitution and legislation and the Egyptian and French constitutions and legislation.


أولاً: القرآن الكريم:

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ثالثاً: الرسائل الجامعية والاطاريح:

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رابعاً: البحوث والمقالات:

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خامساً: الدساتير والقوانين:

Fifth: constitutions and laws:

I. إعلان حقوق الانسان والمواطن الصادر في 26/آب/1789.

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XVII. دستور جمهورية مصر العربية لسنة 2019.

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XIX. قانون اصول المحاكمات الجزائية العراقي النافذ رقم (23) لسنة 1971.

XX. قانون العاملين بالدولة المصري رقم (47) لسنة 1978.

XXI. قانون المحاماة العراقي رقم 173 لسنة 1965.

XXII. قانون المرافعات المدنية العراقي رقم (83) لسنة 1969.

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XXVI. قانون رقم 17 لسنة 2013 (قانون التعديل الخامس لقانون مجلس الدولة العراقي رقم (65) لسنة 1979).

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XXIX. قانون مجلس الدولة العراقي رقم (65) لسنة 1979.

سادساً: مراجع الأحكام القضائية:

Sixth: judicial rules:

I. الطعن رقم 3037سنة 49ق جلسة26/3/2005- مجموعة المكتب الفني السنة 50,ج1.

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XI. قرار المحكمة الادارية العليا المصرية، الطعن رقم 13252سنة48ق,جلسة3/7/2008.

XII. قرار المحكمة الادارية العليا المصرية، جلسة23/1/1993,طعن 508لسنة 34ق.

XIII. قرار المحكمة الادارية العليا بالعدد(183/قضاء موظفين تمييز/2015)في 5/1/2017.

XIV. قرار الهيئة العامة لمجلس شورى الدولة المرقم (144/انضباط/تمييز/2008) مجموعة قرارات وفتاوى مجلس شورى الدولة لعام 2008.

XV. قرار مجلس الدولة/الهيئة التمييزية المرقم219/انضباط/تمييز/2013.

XVI. قرارات مجلس الدولة وفتاواه لعام 2017,بغداد,مجلس الدولة, مطبعة الوقف الحديثة, 2017.

XVII. قرارات مجلس الدولة وفتاواه لعام 2017,بغداد,مجلس الدولة, مطبعة الوقف الحديثة, 2018.

XVIII. قرار محكمة قضاء الموظفين المرقم12/انضباط/تمييز/2011 في 24/3/2013.

XIX. قرار محكمة قضاء الموظفين المرقم 140/انضباط/تمييز/2011 في 7/4/2011.

XX. محكمة القضاء الاداري جلسة 20يناير لسنة 1955 مجموعة احكام المجلس س9.

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XXXVI. Resolution No. 41/42/43/Discipline - Discrimination/2010 On 2/11/2010, Journal of Legislation and Judiciary, Third Issue/2011.

XXXVII. Decision 345/Employees Judiciary/Discrimination/2013 on 11/28/3013.

XXXVIII. Resolution 425 / Employees’ Judiciary / Cassation / 2013 on 11/28/2013, Decisions and Fatwas of the State Shura Council for the year 2013, Dar Al-Kutub and Documents, Baghdad, Issue No. 1654, 2014.

XXXIX. Resolution 728/Employees’ Judiciary - Cassation/2014 on 10/23/2014, Decisions and Fatwas of the State Shura Council for the year 2014, Dar Al-Kutub and Documents, Baghdad, 2015.

XL. Decision of the Egyptian Supreme Administrative Court, Appeal No. 13252, year 48 BC, session 7/3/2008.

XLI. Decision of the Egyptian Supreme Administrative Court, session 1/23/1993, Appeal 508 of 34 BC.

XLII. Decision of the Supreme Administrative Court No. (183 / Cassation Employees’ Judiciary / 2015) on 1/5/2017.

XLIII. Resolution of the General Authority of the State Shura Council No. (144/Discipline/Discrimination/2008), a collection of decisions and fatwas of the State Shura Council for the year 2008.

XLIV. Resolution of the State Council/Discrimination Commission No. 219/Discipline/Discrimination/2013.

XLV. Decisions and fatwas of the State Council for the year 2017, Baghdad, State Council, Modern Waqf Press, 2017.

XLVI. Decisions and fatwas of the State Council for the year 2017, Baghdad, State Council, Modern Waqf Press, 2018.

XLVII. Decision of the Civil Service Court No. 12/Discipline/Discrimination/2011 on 3/24/2013.

XLVIII. Decision of the Civil Service Court No. 140/Discipline/Discrimination/2011 4/7/2011.

XLIX. Administrative Judicial Court, session of January 20, 1955, Collection of Council Rulings, No. 9.

Seventh: Sources in foreign languages:

I. ОБЩЕЕ АДМИНИСТРАТИВНОЕ ПРАВО Учебник, Воронеж Издательский дом ВГУ, 2017.

II. waline, Droit administratif, Paris,1963




