Legal regulation of the criminalization of doping and its role in protecting human health and educational rights


  • Amnah Fawzi Saham University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science
  • AbdulRazaq Talal Jasim University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science


Criminalization, doping, human rights


The research found that doping is a phenomenon that offends the human concept of sport, transforming it from an environment that educates and teaches morals and honest competition to an environment of corruption and unequal opportunities. This is a violation of human rights in sports, health and education, and because the international basis for anti-doping did not resist it. Legislators called for its punitive character making it as a basis for criminalization. The most prominent example of this was Belgium and France internationally, and in the Arab world Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco are among the first countries in issuing special criminal laws to combat it. As for - nationally - Iraq issued a regulation to combat doping, but it lacks the legal system to criminalize it, and it issued a law to establish the Sports Court. It is the first step in resolving sports disputes.


أولاً: الكتب:

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ثالثاً: البحوث:

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رابعاً: القوانين واللوائح:

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خامساً: الوثائق الأخرى:

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سادساً: المقابلات الشخصية:

Sixth: Personal Interviews:

I. مقابلة مع د. حيدر رحيم، المدير العام لدائرة الطب الرياضي والعلاج الطبيعي/ وزارة الشباب والرياضة العراقية، العراق-بغداد، 7/1/2019.

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First: Books:

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Second: letters and theses:

Second: Theses & Dissertations:

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Third: Research:

Third: Research:

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Fourth: laws and regulations:

Fourth: Laws and Regulations:

I. Iraqi Civil Law No. 40 of 1951.

II. Iraqi Penal Code No. 111 of 1969.

III. The Belgian anti-doping law of 12/4/1965.

IV. The French anti-doping Law No. 412-65 of June 1965.

V. The Algerian law on the organization and development of physical and sports activities, Law No. 13-5 of 2013 .

VI. Iraqi Chronicle, No. 4310, on 17/2/2014.

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Fifth: other documents:

Fifth: Other documents:

I. Republic of Iraq, Supreme Judicial Council _office of the chairman of the council, statement of the formation of the specialized sports court to consider Sports Disputes, No. 139/Office/2014, date 9/2/2014, unpublished, Baghdad, 2014.

II. Republic of Iraq, Ministry of Health/ Office of the national consultant for mental health, the annual position of patients under review and resting users of drugs, intoxicants and Psychotropic Substances for 2018, unpublished statistics, obtained by the researcher on 13/3/2019.

III. Republic of Iraq, Ministry of youth and Sports, Department of sports medicine, (statistics of the player sample examination program), unpublished obtained through a researcher interview for Dr. Haider Rahim, director general of the Department of sports medicine and physiotherapy in Baghdad, 7/1/2019.

IV. Republic of Iraq, Ministry of Health/Environment, Office of the national adviser for mental health, the first national scientific conference in Iraq under the title (the scourge of steroids and the misuse of sports supplements), for the period from (27-28) November 2018.

V. Republic of Iraq, Supreme Judicial Council, Federal Court of Cassation, No. 1079/second Penal commission/events of Diyala /t/1038/, 27/5/2019, unpublished decision.

VI. Republic of Iraq, Ministry of health / environment, statistics department, 2016 All-Iraq statistics of the numbers of people with infertility, Baghdad, obtained by the researcher after a field visit to the ministry on 3/2/2019.

VII. Republic of Iraq, Ministry of Health /Environment, Karkh health department, Umm Al-Banin specialized center for infertility and fertility treatment, Baghdad, obtained by the researcher after visiting the Umm Al-Banin infertility Center on 9/1/2019.

VIII. Republic of Iraq, Iraqi Ministry of youth and Sports /Directorate of youth and sports, unpublished data on the numbers of doping users, obtained by the researcher the impact of joint field cooperation with a number of employees of the Directorate of youth and sports, Diyala, 21/5/2020.

Sixth: personal interviews:

Sixth: Personal Interviews:

I. Interview with Dr. Haider Rahim, director general of the Department of sports medicine and physiotherapy/ Iraqi Ministry of youth and sports, Iraq-Baghdad, 7/1/2019.

II. Interview with Saleh Najm Abboud al-Maliki, legal adviser to the parliamentary youth and Sports Committee and legal adviser to the Iraqi Football Federation in the House of Representatives, Iraq-Baghdad, 19/2/2019.




