Legal Regulation of the Right to Syndicate Work in Iraq A Research Extracted from the Master thesis of Human Rights and Public Freedoms


  • Khalil Ibrahim Khalaf University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science
  • Ahmed Fadhil Hussein University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science


Constitutional basis, legal basis, right to housing


Human rights and fundamental freedoms have been recognized for all individuals through divine religions,  stipulated international agreements and rules,  with the efforts of international and regional international organizations to establish these rights for all individuals. As well as the direction of national legislation that has had a major role in ensuring these rights, especially after regarding the progress of countries a measure of their respect for human rights. One of these rights is the right to union action. After the increasing importance of the role of civil society institutions, including unions, in public life, this right has become an important requirement for unions to defend the rights of their members and represent the professions and interests of the working class, as it is a link between individuals and public authorities, especially after the political changes that most countries have witnessed. With regard to the topic of the research “the legal regulation of the right to union work in Iraq,” this study was divided into three sections. The first section included a statement of the concept of union and union work. The study dealt with the definition of union and union work and types of unions and the difference between them, while the second topic included the objective provisions. The procedures necessary for the establishment of trade unions, membership in them, and cases of their termination were referred to the conditions, objectivity and formality of establishing unions and the conditions related to the persons wishing to establish them. The study reached a set of results, including that the Iraqi legislator has guaranteed the right of individuals to establish unions and join them under the constitution (Article 22 / Third). Each union has its own law that establishes and organizes its business and management, the method of electing its board of directors and its financial resources. The study also concluded that professional unions are considered as persons of public law, while labor unions are considered persons of private law.


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