The international responsibility of war crimes perpetrators in international humanitarian law


  • Mu’ayed Majeed Hameed College of Law and Political Science- University of Diyala


المسؤولية الدولية ، جرائم الحرب ، القانون الدولي الانساني


  War crimes are among the ambiguous acts as a result of the recognition of their commission being linked to the will of the major countries in the international community. So, it is not easy to explain them, nor even to know the perpetrators, and thus it is difficult to impose international responsibility on them. Therefore, it is necessary to define the concept of international responsibility and its types, as well as the concept of war crimes and their types and the elements of war crimes. The researcher used the descriptive analytical method in order to fit the approach followed with the goal required to reach the research goal. Hence, the call for the development of international mechanisms to limit human rights violations, especially during armed conflicts, as states must be obligated to respect the provisions of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 in this regard.


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ثانيا: الاتفاقيات:

Second: Agreements:

I. اتفاقية جنيف لعام 1949.

ثالثا: القوانين:

Third: Laws

I. قانون العقوبات العراقي.


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Second: conventions:





