The phenomenon of alienation: a study of its types and causes A Research Extracted from a Master thesis of Human Rights and Public Freedoms


  • Worood Amer Shakir College of Law and Political Science - University of Diyala
  • Talal Hameed Khalil College of Law and Political Science - University of Diyala


Medical experiments, their types, justifications, conditions for conducting them


Man remains the first and dynamic nucleus and the point of transformation on which the world is based economically, socially, culturally and politically. Everything he deals with is for the sake of man himself. On the other hand, this world’s interest in him is to achieve his psychological, social and economic stability, and to guarantee him freedom of thought and expression in opinion and belonging. The human being is considered for a long time the link that connects the product to the consumer. However, in the recent period, problems and challenges began to worsen, which made him move away a little from the position he used to occupy. In the midst of technological life and the advancement of the machine that took his place and made him sit at home, he had nothing of work to do, to be a figure in one of the types of unemployment. On this basis, we have agreed that our study of this subject and its social, economic and psychological importance should be as much as possible, taking into account everything related to this, which would make the study of a scientific nature. Since our study of “the phenomenon of alienation and human rights is an analytical study and one of the human studies, we must clarify the concept of alienation and its types, causes and dimensions by dividing this study into three sections that include the following: The first topic: the concept of alienation. The second topic: types of alienation. The third topic: the causes and dimensions of alienation.


أولا: المعاجم والقواميس:

First: Dictionaries:

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ثانياً: الكتب العربية:

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ثالثاً: الرسائل والأطاريح:

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رابعاً: المجلات:

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خامساً: البحوث والتقارير:

Fifth: Research and Reports:

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