Environmental pollution problems in Iraq A Study in natural, human and industrial resources


  • Ebthaj majed Arzoqi University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science
  • Raad Salih Ali University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science


Environmental pollution, Iraq, natural, human and industrial resources.


The Iraqi environment has suffered from a clear and tangible deterioration. The causes of this varied between the population increase and the unsustainable development of the different sectors and the lack or absence of the use of modern technological methods in the treatment of pollutants, which resulted in negative effects on the environment. The environment of air, water and soil, as well as the wrong uses of the Iraqi person for his environment, and the result was a clear imbalance in the environmental systems and a tangible change in the natural features of the Iraqi environment, including the environmental damage caused to the infrastructure of Iraq. The environmental problems are innumerable, and pollution is one of the most dangerous and most important problems facing the Iraqi environment at all, because it is often the result of human action, unlike most other environmental risks, some of which are due to natural causes. Iraq faces many environmental issues caused by many The accumulated problems as a result of military operations and the use of various types of conventional and non-conventional weapons, in addition to the damage caused to the Iraqi environment as a result of the outbreak of hostilities


المصادر باللغة العربية

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