The Role of Political Powers in Affecting the Electoral Awareness: A Comparative Study between Modern & Traditional Societies


  • Emad M. Jassim University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq


Political Powers,, Electoral Awareness,, Societies


Elections are a very important issue in democratic societies and transitional societies that have begun to be applied in the same way. As they represent the cornerstone of the political forces to reaching to power, which motivates these forces to use their capabilities and possibilities to win these elections in the manner permitted by the Constitution and Accepted by the general civil and political community of those countries. Yet, election in some countries are witnessing political conflicts to the extent to which they are almost as close to the desire to gain votes in ways that are more illegal than democratic ones. Though this situation prevails in countries where principles of disciplined political practice have not yet been applied, this is an evidentiary criterion that indicates that the overlap between the legislative and executive authorities. As well as the weakness in the independence of the judiciary of these States because of various factors that are due to the modernity of political experience and the conflict between traditional culture and contemporary values that encourage competition. Political diversity is what leads to the electoral pattern which is subject to a large extent to the impact of political conflict, which is close to zero degree of conflict. As a result, the electoral process distracts from the right track, so that electoral awareness as a basis for the electoral process and the criterion for the success or the failure of the elections. Moreover, it is the measure that reveals the evolution of the electoral process per se, in that it shows the quality of political options and preferences that were nominated for this process as a result of electoral awareness. We find out that such awareness seems to be drifting strongly behind this political conflict leading to distortion of this consciousness and restructuring it in the way that how the political forces want the voter to consider and govern the political scene in accordance with its perspective. Although political forces in developed democratic countries deliberately employ economic variables such as temporary recovery or job creation and employment with the aim of influencing and prioritizing voter choices. Regardless of the subsequent effects of deflation and rising inflation, political forces in traditional societies employ their own tools like religion, race and the sect to re-form the political and electoral awareness of the citizen in line with the aspirations of these forces.


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